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Build and run the solution on Openshift

An alternate approach is to setup a CI/CD pipeline

We have adopted the Git Action to manage the continuous integration, and ArgoCD for the continuous deployment. The build process will build the following images:

  • []

Helm charts are added for the simulator and the scoring agent, using helm create command, and then the values.yaml and deployment.yaml files were updated to set environment variables and other parameters.

Test sending a simulation control to the POST api

The script is used for that. The usage looks like: hostname simultype (co2sensor | o2sensor | poweroff) containerID nb_of_records

./scripts/ co2sensor C01 2000

If you use no argument for this script, it will send co2sensor control to the service running on our openshift cluster on IBM Cloud.

Looking at the logs from the pod using oc logs reefersimulator-3-jdh2v you can see something like:

     "POST /order HTTP/1.1" 404 232 "-" "curl/7.54.0"
    {'containerID': 'c100', 'simulation': 'co2sensor', 'nb_of_records': 10, 'good_temperature': 4.4}
    Generating  10  Co2 metrics

We will see how those events are processed in the next section.

The predictive scoring agent

Applying the same pattern as the simulation webapp, we implement a kafka consumer and producer in python that calls the serialized analytical model. The code in the scoring\eventConsumer folder.

Applying a TDD approach we start by a class.

import unittest
from domain.predictservice import PredictService

class TestScoreMetric(unittest.TestCase):
    def testCreation(self):
        serv = PredictService

if __name__ == '__main__':

Use the same python environment with docker:

root@1de81b16f940:/# export PYTHONPATH=/home/scoring/eventConsumer
root@1de81b16f940:/# cd /home/scoring/eventConsumer
root@1de81b16f940:/home/scoring/eventConsumer# python tests/ 

Test fails, so let add the scoring service with a constructor, and load the serialized pickle model (which was copied from the ml folder).

import pickle

class PredictService:
    def __init__(self,filename = "domain/model_logistic_regression.pkl"):
        self.model = pickle.load(open(filename,"rb"),encoding='latin1')

    def predict(self,metricEvent):
        TESTDATA = StringIO(metricEvent)
        data = pd.read_csv(TESTDATA, sep=",")
        data.columns = data.columns.to_series().apply(lambda x: x.strip())
        X = data[ X = data[FEATURES_NAMES]]
        return self.model.predict(X)

Next we need to test a predict on an event formated as a csv string. The test looks like:

    serv = PredictService()
    header="""Timestamp, ID, Temperature(celsius), Target_Temperature(celsius), Power, PowerConsumption, ContentType, O2, CO2, Time_Door_Open, Maintenance_Required, Defrost_Cycle"""
    event="2019-04-01 T16:29 Z,1813, 101, 4.291843460900875,4.4,0,10.273342381017777,3,4334.920958996634,4.9631508046318755,1,0,6"""

So the scoring works, now we need to code the scoring application that will be deployed to Openshift cluster, and which acts as a consumer of container metrics events and a producer container events.

The Scoring Agent code of this app is module. It starts a consumer to get messages from Kafka. And when a message is received, it needs to do some data extraction and transformation and then use the predictive service.

During the tests we have issue in the data quality, so it is always a good practice to add a validation function to assess if all the records are good. For production, this code needs to be enhanced for better error handling an reporting.

Run locally

Under scoring\eventConsumer folder, set the environment variables for KAFKA using the commands below: (It uses event streams on IBM Cloud)

export KAFKA_APIKEY="set-api-key-for-eventstreams-on-cloud"

docker run -e KAFKA_BROKERS=$KAFKA_BROKERS -e KAFKA_APIKEY=$KAFKA_APIKEY  -v $(pwd)/..:/home -ti ibmcase/python bash -c "cd /home/scoring && export PYTHONPATH=/home && python"

Scoring: Build and run on Openshift

The first time we need to add the application to the existing project, run the following command:

oc new-app python:latest~ --context-dir=scoring/eventConsumer --name reeferpredictivescoring

This command will run a source to image, build all the needed yaml files for the kubernetes deployment and start the application in a pod. It use the --context flag to define what to build and run. With this capability we can use the same github repository for different sub component.

As done for simulator, the scoring service needs environment variables. We can set them using the commands

oc set env dc/reeferpredictivescoring KAFKA_BROKERS=$KAFKA_BROKERS
oc set env dc/reeferpredictivescoring KAFKA_APIKEY=$KAFKA_APIKEY
oc set env dc/reeferpredictivescoring KAFKA_CERT=/opt/app-root/src/es-cert.pem

but we have added a script for you to do so. This script needs only to be run at the first deployment. It leverage the common setenv scripts:


The list of running pods should show the build pods for this application:

 oc get pods
 reeferpredictivescoring-1-build   1/1       Running      0          24s

To run the build again after commit code to github:

oc start-build reeferpredictivescoring 

# or from local file system
oc start-build reeferpredictivescoring --from-file=.

To see the log:

 oc logs reeferpredictivescoring-2-rxr6j

To be able to run on Openshift, the APP_FILE environment variable has to be set to This can be done in the environment file under the .s2i folder.

The scoring service has no API exposed to the external world, so we do not need to create a Route or ingress.

See the integration test section to see a demonstration of the solution end to end.

Build docker images

For the scoring agent:

# scoring folder

Run kafka on your laptop

For development purpose, you can also run kafka, zookeeper and postgresql and the solution on your laptop. For that read this readme for details.