Apic Cli

APIC CLI Cheatsheet

This is intended to be a cheatsheet and quick reference for working with the APIC CLI tool. Always refer to the knowledge center if more details are needed



Table of Contents

Scripting Commands

First run before running commands with apic CLI for the first time.

apic --accept-license

Gather your URLs and other often referenced values and set them as variables for convenience.





  • Realm for API Manager local user registry: provider/default-idp-2
  • Realm for Cloud Manager local user registry: admin/default-idp-1

apic client-creds:set ./eks3node-creds.json

API Manager

Manual Login with Local User

apic login --server $api_mgmt --username $username --password $password --realm provider/default-idp-2

Cloud Manager

Realm for local user registry: admin/default-idp-1

apic login --server $cloud_mgmt --username $cm_username --$cm_password --realm admin/default-idp-1

SSO (OIDC Registry Types)

apic login --server $api_mgmt --sso

When prompted for Context?, type provider. Then open the browser and login with the OIDC user account. Paste in API key in the terminal after successful login in the browser.

Note: if you don't get the API key screen after logging in and instead APIC looks like it logs you in regularly, try a different browswer or clearly your cache.

Working with APIs

Creating Draft API

Get List of APIs in Sandbox catalog

apic apis:list-all --scope catalog --server $api_mgmt --catalog $catalog --org $org

Create a draft of an API. This will create the API in API Manager but it is not associated with any products yet.

apic draft-apis:create --server $api_mgmt --org $org example-yamls/find-branch-api-1.0.0.yaml

Creating Draft Product and Publishing

Get List of Products

apic products:list-all --server $api_mgmt --org $org --catalog $catalog --scope catalog

Create a draft of a product containing the above API

apic draft-products:create --server $api_mgmt --org $org example-yamls/branch-product-1.0.0.yaml

Publish the draft product above. The CLI product:publish requires the $ref to the API yaml in order to publish the product (but not for draft)

apic products:publish --server $api_mgmt --catalog $catalog --org $org example-yamls/branch-product-1.0.0.yaml

Replacing the Product

Now a product containing the 1.0.0 of the API is published. Note that the 1.0.0 find branch API is pointing to an improper backend URL. So let's say we've created find branch 2.0.0 to update the backend URL so that it works properly, and we'll replace the product with the new version, so subscriptions will migrate automatically.

We first create draft of the new version API and create a new draft a product that references the new API.

# Create a new draft API
apic draft-apis:create --server $api_mgmt --org $org example-yamls/find-branch-api-2.0.0.yaml
# Create a new draft product
apic draft-products:create --server $api_mgmt --org $org example-yamls/branch-product-2.0.0.yaml
# Grab the previously published product (in this case we're interested in find-branch-product:1.0.0)
product_url=$(apic products:list-all --server $api_mgmt --org $org --catalog $catalog --scope catalog | grep 'find-branch-product:1.0.0.*published' | awk '{print $4}')
product_url="product_url: ${product_url}"
echo $product_url

Generate product mapping file (docs here for product mapping file format).

echo ${product_url}>product-map.txt
echo "plans:">>product-map.txt
echo "- source: default">>product-map.txt
echo " target: default">>product-map.txt

Create the new draft product, stage it, and then use it to replace the old one.

Note the product given in this command is the name of the product that will replace the old product. The product identified in the mapping file is the product being replaced.

# Stage new product
apic products:publish --server $api_mgmt --catalog $catalog --org $org --stage example-yamls/branch-product-2.0.0.yaml
# Replace published 1.0.0 product with staged 2.0.0 product
apic products:replace --server $api_mgmt --org $org --scope catalog --catalog sandbox find-branch-product:2.0.0 product-map.txt

Create Another New API/Product

apic draft-apis:create --server $api_mgmt --org $org example-yamls/find-branch-api-3.0.0.yaml
apic draft-products:create --server $api_mgmt --org $org example-yamls/branch-product-3.0.0.yaml
apic products:publish --server $api_mgmt --catalog $catalog --org $org example-yamls/branch-product-3.0.0.yaml

Download APIs and Products

Download APIs and Products from the catalog. Use the flag --output to specify where to save the files, or show in standard output (--output -).

Get single API

# List all APIs in the catalog
apic apis:list-all --server $api_mgmt --org $org --catalog $catalog --scope catalog
# Download single API from the catalog - this will create a file locally called findbranch_2.0.0.yaml
apic apis:get --server $api_mgmt --org $org --catalog $catalog --scope catalog findbranch:2.0.0
# Download the same API without saving to file (Add --output -) flag
apic apis:get --server $api_mgmt --org $org --catalog $catalog --scope catalog findbranch:2.0.0 --output -

Download all Products and APIs

# Download ALL APIs in the catalog into a directory
mkdir ./api-dump
apic apis:clone --server $api_mgmt --org $org --catalog $catalog --scope catalog --output api-dump
# Download ALL Products in the catalog
apic products:clone --server $api_mgmt --org $org --catalog $catalog --scope catalog --output api-dump

Add Third OAuth Provider

Modify the URLs and other properties as needed, and run the create command.

apic oauth-providers:create --server $api_mgmt --org $org setup-yamls/third-party-oauth-okta.yaml

Cloud Manager Mail Server

List out existing mail servers

apic mail-servers:list --server $cloud_mgmt --org admin