Skip to main contentIBM Garage Event-Driven Reference Architecture - Reefer Container Shipment reference implementation

User Interface

The user interface for our Reefer Container Shipment reference application is implemented as a single microservice using Node.js and Angular.js.


Description: The goal of this component is to serve a user interface for customers to:

  • Log in
  • Create an order
  • List all orders
  • List all containers
  • Initiate shipping simulation
User Interface diagram

Github repository: refarch-kc-ui

Kafka topics consumed from: None

Kafka topics produced to: None

Events reacted to: None

Events produced: None

EDA Patterns implemented: None


This microservice is built using the Appsody development framework. The Appsody CLI is a required prerequisite for building the application locally.

Appsody will build the application by pulling the contents of the Appsody Stack it is based on and then performing the local application build inside the containerized environment:

appsody build -t <yournamespace>/kcontainer-spring-container-ms[:tag] [--push]

  • You can optionally specify a container tag. If left blank, latest will be used.
  • You can optionally supply the --push flag to automatically push the built image to specified remote repository.

Performing an Appsody build will update the app-deploy.yaml file in the same directory with current information for the application image, labels, and annotations fields.


Deployment parameters

The following deployment parameters are defined in the app-deploy.yaml file:

KAFKA_BROKERSYESComma-separated list of Kafka brokers to connect to
KAFKA_APIKEYNOAPI Key used to connect to SASL-secured Kafka brokers. This is required when connecting to IBM Event Streams clusters.
TRUSTSTORE_ENABLEDNORequired to be set to true when connecting to IBM Event Streams on the IBM Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I).
TRUSTSTORE_PATHNOThe local path to the required truststore file when connecting to IBM Event Streams on CP4I. See Volume Mounts below.
TRUSTSTORE_PWDNOThe password for the truststore file used for IBM Event Streams server verification.
PROBLEM_TOPICNOThe topic name used for communication relating to bluewater ship errors. Defaults to bluewater-problem.
SHIP_TOPICNOThe topic name used for communication relating to the bluewater ship entity. Defaults to bluewater-ship.
FLEETMS_SERVICE_HOSTNOHostname of the dependent Fleet microservice. Defaults to simulator.
FLEETMS_SERVICE_PORTNOPort number of the dependent Fleet microservice. Defaults to 9080.
ORDERCOMMANDMS_SERVICE_HOSTNOHostname of the dependent Order Command microservice. Defaults to ordercmd.
ORDERCOMMANDMS_SERVICE_PORTNOPort number of the dependent Order Command microservice. Defaults to 9080.
ORDERQUERYMS_SERVICE_HOSTNOHostname of the dependent Order Query microservice. Defaults to orderquery.
ORDERQUERYMS_SERVICE_PORTNOPort number of the dependent Order Query microservice. Defaults to 9080.
VOYAGESMS_SERVICE_HOSTNOHostname of the dependent Voyages microservice. Defaults to voyages.
VOYAGESMS_SERVICE_PORTNOPort number of the dependent Voyages microservice. Defaults to 3000.
CONTAINERMS_SERVICE_HOSTNOHostname of the dependent Container Management microservice. Defaults to springcontainerms.
CONTAINERMS_SERVICE_PORTNOPort number of the dependent Container Management microservice. Defaults to 8080.

Volume Mounts

The User Interface microservice requires up to one file to be injected at runtime for proper operation. As noted in the TRUSTSTORE_PATH parameter above, these files are SSL-based certificates which are required to verfiy the identity of the external service when calling it. These files are provided as --docker-options "-v host-src:container-dest ..." when running the microservice locally and as a Volume Mount when running the microservice on a Kubernetes cluster.

The TRUSTSTORE_PATH parameter is documented in the Event Streams Certificates section of the Prerequisites page. The Appsody run command should include a parameter similar to -v /Users/myuser/Downloads/es-cert.jks:/config/resources/security/es-ssl/es-cert.jks in its --docker-options string to run this microservice locally.

Example: appsody run --docker-options "-v /Users/myuser/Downloads/es-cert.jks:/config/resources/security/es-ssl/es-cert.jks " ...

Running the microservice locally

When running the microservice locally, you must specify all the required deployment parameters from above as environment variables via the --docker-options flag being passed in from the Appsody CLI command.

Example: appsody run --docker-options "-e KAFKA_BROKERS=remotebroker1:9092,remotebroker2:9092 -e PROBLEM_TOPIC=bluewater-problem -e SHIP_TOPIC=bluewater-ships -v /Users/myuser/Downloads/es-cert.jks:/config/resources/security/es-ssl/es-cert.jks" ...

For more details on running the microservice locally, consult the Appsody run documentation as well as the deployment information contained in the app-deploy.yaml file.

Running the microservice remotely

The Appsody Operator is a required prerequisite for deploying the microservice to a remote Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.

To deploy the microservice to a remote cluster:

appsody deploy <yournamespace>/kcontainer-ui[:tag] --no-build

  • You can omit the --no-build flag to have Appsody perform a build before deploying the application.
  • Note: Performing a build at deploy time requires specifying the absolute container reference path, as well as the --push flag.
  • The neccesary deployment parameter information will be read from the app-deploy.yaml file in the same directory.

Usage Details