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Data Preparation

The purpose of the Data Preparation stage is to get the data into the best format for machine learning, this includes three stages: Data Cleansing, Data Transformation, and Feature Engineering. Quality data is more important than using complicated algorithms so this is an incredibly important stage and should not be skipped.

This article complements the prepare your data for AI and data science practice and we recommend adopting both practices.

Data Cleansing

During the Data Understanding activities, you explored your data and detected uncomplete or incorrect values. This stage is where you address those issues, activities include:

  • Data types: Are data types of columns matching their content? E.g. is age stored as integer and not as string?
  • Ranges: Does the value distribution of values in a column make sense? Use stats (e.g. min, max, mean, standard deviation) and visualizations (e.g. box-plot, histogram) for help
  • Set memberships: Are only allowed values chosen for categorical or ordinal fields? E.g. Female, Male, Unknown
  • Cross-field validation: Some fields can impact validity of other fields. E.g. a male person can’t be pregnant
  • Dealing with missing values
  • Dealing with outliers
  • Correcting typos, and match regular expressions: Some files need to stick to a pattern expressed by a regular expression. E.g. a lower-case character followed by 6 digits
  • Grouping sparse classes
  • Dropping duplicates: Are duplicates present where undesired like a primary key? E.g. client IDs

Key considerations

Missing Values

Most machine learning models require all features to be complete, therefore, missing values must be dealt with. The simplest solution is to remove all rows that have a missing value but important information could be lost or bias introduced. During the data exploration phase, you should have explored possible reasons for this missing data to help guide whether or not it is acceptable to drop these data points. Alternatively, you can impute the value; provide an appropriate substitute for the missing data. Common imputations are using the mean, median, or mode. For categorical data, a new category (e.g. “Unknown”) could be created. More complicated solutions include using K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) or Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equation (MICE).


If your outlier investigation during Data Exploration only finds low-frequency outliers that are likely to be erroneous, these can be treated like missing data be either removed or replaced. However, if you believe important information will be lost by removing or changing them, you may wish to keep them and use a machine learning algorithm and optimization metric robust to outliers. The process of removing outliers from your data set is referred to as trimming or truncation. Outliers can be replaced by techniques similar to missing data, e.g. with mean, mode or median. More complicated techniques include Winsorizing – replacing extreme values with minimum and maximum percentiles – and discretization (binning) – dividing the continuous variable into discrete groups.

Grouping Sparse Classes

Categorical features can often have a large number of distinct values, some of which have a low frequency. This can be particularly common when the data has been input as free text and prone to typos. In the Data Transformation stage, we will discuss how categorical data is converted to a format a machine learning model can read. However, this often involves creating a new feature for each distinct value in that category; if each categorical feature has a lot of distinct values, this transformation results in a lot of additional features. Many machine learning algorithms can struggle with too many features, this is referred to as the curse of dimensionality. Consequently, you may wish to group qualitatively similar values. This is likely to be a manual effort working with a subject matter expert. Though for typos, or inconsistencies in capitalizations, pattern or fuzzy matching tools can be used.

Data Transformations

It is rare to have collected data solely to make predictions. Consequently, the data you have available may not be in the right format or may require transformations to make it more useful. Data Transformation activities and techniques include:

  • Categorical encoding
  • Dealing with skewed data
  • Bias mitigation
  • Scaling
  • Rank transformation
  • Filtering: Sometimes imputing values doesn’t perform well, therefore deletion of low quality records is a better strategy
  • Power functions
  • Imputed time-series quantization: Time series often contain streams with measurements at different timestamps. Therefore, it is beneficial to quantize measurements to a common “heart beat” and impute the corresponding values. This can be done by sampling from the source time series distributions on the respective quantized time steps
  • Discretizing: Continuous fields might confuse the model, e.g. a discrete set of age ranges sometimes performs better than continuous values, especially on smaller amounts of data and with simpler models

Key Considerations:

Categorical Encoding

Label encoding converts categorical variables to numerical representation, something that is machine-readable. The first thing to understand is whether or not your categories are ordinal, e.g. level of education has an order with master’s degree being higher ranked than bachelor’s degree. To keep this relationship, you will want to rank them based on their associated magnitude and use their ranking as an input to your model. If the categories are not ordinal, you can one-hot-encode your categories; this will create a new column for each unique value in the column. For neural networks, or working with text data, you may wish to use embeddings.

Dealing with Skewed Data

Normality is often assumed with statistical techniques. If you’re using regression algorithms such as linear regression or neural networks, you are likely to see large improvements if you transform variables with skewed distributions. To approximate a more symmetric distribution, you can use roots (i.e. square-root, cube root), logarithms (i.e. base e, or base 10), reciprocals (i.e. positive or negative), or Box-Cox transformation.


Scaling is a method of transforming data into a particular range. Regression algorithms and algorithms using Euclidean distances (e.g. KNN, or K-Means) are sensitive to the variation in magnitude and range across features. The goal of scaling is to change the values of each numerical feature in the data set to a common scale. By doing so, changes in different features become more comparable. Scaling can be done with normalization (or min-max scaling) or z-score standardization.

Bias Mitigation

If you’ve discovered that there is bias in your data, you can mitigate this with various preprocessing techniques. These often replace the current values, or labels, with those that will result in a fairer model. Examples of pre-processing bias mitigation algorithms are Reweighing, Optimized preprocessing, Learning fair representations and Disparate impact remover.

Feature Engineering

Feature engineering is the process of creating new features based upon knowledge about current features and the required task. Feature Creation and Feature Engineering is one of the most important tasks in machine learning since it hugely impacts model performance. This also holds for deep learning, although to a lesser extent. Features can be changed or new features can be created from existing ones. It is important to have a clear understanding of the data to do this step, this may require you working with a subject matter expert. This activity may also require you to find new data sources. Two key activities are:

  • Feature extraction, and
  • Capturing Feature Relationships

Feature Extraction

You may find that columns in your data are not useful as they are, possibly because they are too granular. For example, a timestamp is unlikely to be useful whilst the time of day, or day of the week might be. In text analytics, feature extraction is creating vectors from the raw text strings. This could simply be creating a new column that indicates if particular phrases are mentioned, or columns could be created for each word (Bag-of-Words) and their value is a representation of their frequency (TF, or TF-IDF).

Capturing Feature Relationships

Rather than expect the model to find relationships between two features, they can be explicitly called out. You are then helping your algorithm focus on what you, or the subject matter expert you’re working with, know is important. This could be the sum, the difference, the product or the quotient. For example, a machine learning model may not easily find the connection between the longitude and latitude values of two address but by providing the distance between the two, you better enable it to derive patterns.

Other techniques

  • One-hot-encoding: Categorical integer features should be transformed into “one-hot” vectors. In relational terms this results in addition of additional columns – one columns for each distinct category
  • Time-to-Frequency transformation: Time-series (and sometimes also sequence data) is recorded in the time domain but can easily transformed into the frequency domain e.g. using FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation)
  • Month-From-Date: Creating an additional feature containing the month independent from data captures seasonal aspects. Sometimes further discretization in to quarters helps as well
  • Aggregate-on-Target: Simply aggregating fields the target variable (or even other fields) can improve performance, e.g. count number of data points per ZIP code or take the median of all values by geographical region

As feature engineering is an art on itself, this list cannot be exhaustive.