Deploy and run on Openshift

We address here how to deploy the liberty app to Openshift connected to Db2 on IBM Cloud and MQ on IBM Cloud.


  • You should have already provisionned Db2 as service on Cloud, if not see this section.

  • Get a DB2 server or service up and running. You can create a DB2 service on IBM Cloud using the product documentation instructions. Get the service credentials.

  • Install DB driver on your local environment by following one of those instructions. Basically, open the DB2 console, under the burger icon go to Connection Information and select the operating system needed. Set up the environment with the db2profile: source /Applications/dsdriver/db2profile.

Create tables and load data

Using the DB2 console, use Run SQL feature, to create the containers table (create statement in the file db2/sql/inventory/create-tables.db2) and load the data using the SQL file (db2/sql/inventory/loaddata.db2)