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ICP or Bluemix Container Service CLI Summary

IBM Cloud (Bluemix CLI)

$ bx login -a
# Review the locations that are available.
$ bx cs locations
# Choose a location and review the machine type
$ bx cs machine-types dal10
# Assess if a public and private VLAN already exists in the Bluemix Infrastructure  NEED a paid account
$ bx cs vlans dal10
# When the provisioning of your cluster is completed, the status of your cluster changes to deployed
$ bx cs clusters
# Check the status of the worker nodes
$ bx cs workers cyancomputecluster

Install CLIs

Summary of CLI commands

  • Login to your cluster
    bx pr login -a https://<master_ip_address>:8443 --skip-ssl-validation -a <accountname>
  • Assess cluster name and status
     bx pr clusters
  • Configure the cluster to get cert.pem and key.pem certificates added to ~/.helm folder:
     bx pr cluster-config ext-demo

Work on deployments

  • Kubectl official cheatsheet
  • ICP CLI formal doc
  • kubectl playground
    # Get cluster context
    kubectl config set-cluster gr33n-cluster --server=https://gr33n-cluster:8001  --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
    kubectl config set-cluster gr33n-cluster --server=https://gr33n-cluster:8001 --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
    kubectl config set-context gr33n-cluster --cluster=gr33n-cluster --user=admin --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
    kubectl config set-credentials admin --client-certificate=gr33n-cluster/cert.pem  --client-key=gr33n-cluster/key.pem
    kubectl config use-context gr33n-cluster
    # get all deployments
    kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces
    # get specifics deployments
    kubectl get deployment jenkins -n browncompute
    # Add a deployment from a yaml file
    kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
    # get pod details
    kubectl get pods -l component=jenkins-jenkins-master  -n browncompute
  • See a specific config map kubectl get configMap <name-of-the-map> --namespace browncompute
$ kubectl get pods

$ kubectl describe pod podid

$ export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}’)

$ kubectl exec $POD_NAME env  --namespace browncompute

$ kubectl logs $POD_NAME

# run an alpine shell connected to the container
$ kubectl exec -ti $POD_NAME /bin/ash
> ls

$ kubectl get services

$ export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get services/casewdsbroker -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 0).nodePort}}')

$ kubectl describe deployment

# Apply change to existing pod
$ kubectl apply -f filename.yml

# Access to a pod using node port: example for cassandra pod.
$ k port-forward cassandra-0 9042:9042

helm CLI

# create a new helm chart:
 helm create <chartname>

# Install a charts on a connected ICP
helm install  browncompute-dal/ --name  browncompute-dal --namespace browncompute --tls

# delete an existing release
helm del --purge browncompute-dal --tls
The --purge flag makes sure that the browncompute-dal release name is reusable for a fresh install if you decide to use the same release name again.