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Run on WebApp on IBM Cloud as Cloud Foundry App

You need to have a IBM Cloud account, and know how to use cloud foundry command line interface and the container CLI to push to IBM Cloud, the containized web application used to demonstrate the solution.

Add a new space: 1. Click on the IBM Cloud account in the top right corner of the web interface. 2. Click Create a new space. 3. Enter a name like "ra-integration" for the space name and complete the wizard steps.

Step 1: Install the different CLI needed

It includes bluemix, cf, and kubernetes. A script exists in the scripts folder to automate the CLI installation: ./scripts/

Step 2: Connect to IBM Cloud via CLI

Get you IBM Cloud API end points where your account belong to. For IBM Cloud see the region end point in this documentation

  • For US South region the API is
    cf login -a
    Enter userid, password, organization and space. You are ready to push your application.

Step 3: Push the app using CF

To push the application as defined in the Manifest. The only application to push is the web app.

cd refarch-caseinc-app
* Edit the manifest.yml file to specify the hostname of the server as it has to be unique: The URL is based on those parameter. So once the application is deployed the URL will be
- path: .
  name: refarch-caseinc-app
  host: caseincapp
  instances: 1
  memory: 256M
  disk_quota: 1024M
    - ITSupportConversation

The cloud foundry command is push:

cf push