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Event streaming versus Queuing


Updated 6/18/2022

Consider queue system. like IBM MQ, for:

  • Exactly once delivery, and to participate into two phase commit transaction
  • Asynchronous request / reply communication: the semantic of the communication is for one component to ask a second command to do something on its data. This is a command pattern with delay on the response.
  • Recall messages in queue are kept until consumer(s) got them.

Consider streaming system, like Kafka, as pub/sub and persistence system for:

  • Publish events as immutable facts of what happened in an application
  • Get continuous visibility of the data Streams
  • Keep data once consumed, for future consumers, for replay-ability
  • Scale horizontally the message consumption

Events and Messages

There is a long history of messaging in IT systems. You can easily see an event-driven solution and events in the context of messaging systems and messages. However, there are different characteristics that are worth considering:

  • Messaging: Messages transport a payload and messages are persisted until consumed. Message consumers are typically directly targeted and related to the producer who cares that the message has been delivered and processed.
  • Events: Events are persisted as a replayable stream history. Event consumers are not tied to the producer. An event is a record of something that has happened and so can't be changed. (You can't change history.)

Messaging versus event streaming

We recommend reading this article and this one, to get insight on messaging (focusing on operations / actions to be performed by a system or service) versus events (focusing on the state / facts of a system with no knowledge of the downstream processing).

To summarize messaging (like MQ) are to support:

  • Transient Data: data is only stored until a consumer has processed the message, or it expires.
  • Request / reply most of the time.
  • Targeted reliable delivery: targeted to the entity that will process the request or receive the response. Reliable with transaction support.
  • Time Coupled producers and consumers: consumers can subscribe to queue, but message can be remove after a certain time or when all subscribers got message. The coupling is still loose at the data model level and interface definition level.

For events:

  • Stream History: consumers are interested in historic events, not just the most recent.
  • Scalable Consumption: A single event is consumed by many consumers with limited impact as the number of consumers grow.
  • Immutable Data
  • Loosely coupled / decoupled producers and consumers: strong time decoupling as consumer may come at anytime. Some coupling at the message definition level, but schema management best practices and schema registry reduce frictions.

See also the MQ in an event-driven solution context article

See this code (Store sale simulator) to produce messages to different middleware: RabbitMQ, IBM MQ or Kafka.