Customer Churn Lab for Cloud Pak for Data
Step 1: Getting Started
Step 2: Data Ingestion, Organization and Governance for Customer Churn
- 1. Data Discovery
- 2. Data Governance - Creating Business Glossary, Policies and Rules
- 3. Data Ingestion from Flat Files to a Project
- 4. Data Organization using PySpark in Notebook
Step 3: Customer Churn Model Development and Deployment
- 1. Model Development using PySpark in Jupyter Notebook
- 2. Model Development using Auto AI
- 3. Model Development using SPSS
- 4. Model Deployment in MMD
- 5. Model Deployment in WML using API
- 6. Python Function accessing Model in MMD Deployed in WML using API
Step 4: Weekly Churn Scoring using the deployed Model
- 1. Churn Scoring using Model Deployed in WML
- 2. Churn Scoring using MMD Model function Deployed in WML