IBM Multicloud Manager - Monitoring and Event Management

Author: Rafal Szypulka (

This chapter is focused on monitoring and event management features delivered by IBM Multicloud Manager 3.1.2.

Overall MCM dashboard

IBM Multicloud Manager Overview dashboard is available from the Overview section in the MCM menu.

You can view details of your IBM Cloud Private clusters and other cloud service providers supported by IBM Cloud Private. You can also view details about your applications. The Overview dashboard is continuously refreshed in real time.

The following information about clusters is provided:

  • Name of the cloud service with the number of clusters
  • Cluster compliance
  • Pod details
  • Cluster status
  • Cluster resources (VCPU/Memory usage)
  • Storage usage

You can also view the information about each application and clusters where this application has been deployed:

  • Number of clusters
  • Number of Kubernetes types
  • Number of regions
  • Number of nodes
  • Number of pods

The Overview page can be further personalized with the filtering feature. Click Filter results menu to specify what information is displayed on your page.

MCM Application monitoring

Metrics collection and visualization

To access an Application Health View Dashboard (shown below), you must first access the Applications page from the MCM Menu:

Next to each application, under the DASHBOARD column, there is a Launch Health View button. If you click it, you will open the Health View Grafana dashboard for that application.

A Grafana Dashboard for MCM applications is generated automatically for each deployed application and shows metrics related to resource utilization (CPU, memory, network) of the application containers and overall resource utilization of the clusters where an application has been deployed.

MCM federated Prometheus is a data source for an application monitoring dashboard. MCM Controller installation deploys a federated Prometheus instance which will pull selected metric data from the Prometheus instances located on managed ICP clusters.

The deployment name for the MCM Controller's Federated Prometheus is: mcm-controller-ibm-mcm-prod-prometheus

Initially, just after MCM installation, the MCM federated Prometheus instance doesn't collect any data. Its configuration is generated dynamically during application deployment via MCM. The Target ICP clusters are added to the MCM federated Prometheus instance's ConfigMap during application deployment.

The example below shows a dynamic update of the MCM federated Prometheus ConfigMap after deployment of the application to three ICP clusters:

    - job_name: mcm-dynamic-se-prod-312-ubuntu
      honor_labels: true
        - '{job="kubernetes-cadvisor"}'
      scrape_interval: 1m
      scrape_timeout: 30s
      metrics_path: /apis/
      scheme: https
      - targets:
        - kubernetes.default:443
          cluster_name: se-prod-312-ubuntu
      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
        insecure_skip_verify: false
    - job_name: mcm-dynamic-se-stg-312-ubuntu
      honor_labels: true
        - '{job="kubernetes-cadvisor"}'
      scrape_interval: 1m
      scrape_timeout: 30s
      metrics_path: /apis/
      scheme: https
      - targets:
        - kubernetes.default:443
          cluster_name: se-stg-312-ubuntu
      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
        insecure_skip_verify: false
    - job_name: mcm-dynamic-se-dev-312-ubuntu
      honor_labels: true
        - '{job="kubernetes-cadvisor"}'
      scrape_interval: 1m
      scrape_timeout: 30s
      metrics_path: /apis/
      scheme: https
      - targets:
        - kubernetes.default:443
          cluster_name: se-dev-312-ubuntu
      bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/
        ca_file: /var/run/secrets/
        insecure_skip_verify: false

In the example above, the generated configuration instructs MCM federated Prometheus instance to collect cAdvisor metrics from three child ICP Prometheus instances, located respectively on three ICP clusters: se-prod-312-ubuntu, se-stg-312-ubuntu and se-dev-312-ubuntu. More information about Prometheus federation mechanisms:

IBM Cloud Event Management for IBM Multicloud Manager

IBM Cloud Event Management (CEM) allows to set up a real-time incident management for the applications and infrastructure managed by the Multi Cloud Manager. Incidents are generated from events/alerts which indicate that something has happened on an application, service, or another monitored object. Cloud Event Management can receive events from various monitoring sources, either on premise or in the cloud.

In the MCM environment, the CEM collects alerts from Prometheus instances located at each managed cluster. The Cloud Event Management Controller for MCM (deployed using alerttargetcontroller helm chart) automatically configures managed Prometheus Alertmanager instances to send alert notifications to the central CEM instance installed on MCM Controller.

Installing the Cloud Event Management for IBM Multicloud Manager

The IBM Cloud Event Management for MCM is included inside IBM Multicloud Manager installation package. Unpack the MCM installation archive mcm-3.1.2.tgz and inside you will find two CEM PPA packages:

  • Could Event Management Controller - alerttargetcontroller-ppa-0.0.2.tar.gz
  • Cloud Event Management - cem-mcm-ppa-ibm-cem-2.2.0.tar.gz

Load both PPA packages to the local container registry on MCM hub cluster and alerttargetcontroller on every managed cluster.

docker login <MCM-cluster-hostname>:8500
cloudctl login -a https://<MCM-cluster-hostname>:8443 --skip-ssl-validation -n kube-system
cloudctl catalog load-archive -a <ppa-archive> --registry <MCM-cluster-hostname>:8500/kube-system

The following procedure describes installation and configuration steps on example ICP 3.1.2 cluster running MCM controller. The sequence of the steps is important.


  • MCM Controller and MCM Klusterlet deployed on MCM hub ICP 3.1.2 cluster and Klusterlet deployed on managed ICP clusters.
  • CEM PPA packages imported as per instructions above.
  • CEM users have an Administrator role within a Team which has a resource management assigned to a managed cluster namespaces.

Installation of the Cloud Event Management controller

Go to the ICP Catalog and deploy the alerttargetcontroller chart on both MCM hub cluster and managed clusters in the kube-system namespace.

MCM Fullname Override option can be obtained using:

kubectl get po -n kube-system | grep klusterlet

Copy the pod name part before the klusterlet word (klusterlet-ibm-mcmk-prod on the example below):

# kubectl get po | grep klusterlet
klusterlet-ibm-mcmk-prod-klusterlet-657958f69f-v7cw9              3/3     Running     0          30h
klusterlet-ibm-mcmk-prod-weave-scope-49sxf                        1/1     Running     0          30h

ICP Cluster namespace is the cluster namespace created during klusterlet deployment. In our case the namespace name is mcm-se-dev-31. It can be obtained using:

# kubectl get clusters --all-namespaces
se-stg-31   se-stg-31   Ready    1d
se-dev-31   se-dev-31   Ready    1d

After chart deployment, make sure the alerttargetcontroller pod is running.

# kubectl get pod -n kube-system|grep alerttarget
atc-alerttargetcontroller-alerttargetcontroller-77f87fb77cx6fph   1/1     Running                 1          10h

Installation of the Cloud Event Management for IBM Multicloud Manager

Deploy ibm-cem chart you loaded together with CEM image to local-charts repository in the kube-system namespace on the MCM hub cluster.

  • NOTE: The CEM chart provided with ICP's built-in ibm-charts repository is a Community Edition version which is not designed to work with MCM.

In our setup we used ICP UI console hostname for both ICP Master IP and Ingress Domain options.

After deployment, wait a couple of minutes until all CEM pods are started and run the following command to configure OIDC registration with IBM Cloud Private:

kubectl exec -n kube-system -t `kubectl get pods -l release=cem -n kube-system \
| grep "cem-ibm-cem-cem-users" | grep "Running" | head -n 1 \
| awk '{print $1}'` bash -- "/etc/oidc/" "`echo $(kubectl get secret platform-oidc-credentials -o yaml -n kube-system \
| grep OAUTH2_CLIENT_REGISTRATION_SECRET: | awk '{print $2}')`"

Verify the alerttargets CRD has been created:

kubectl get alerttargets --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE   NAME                  AGE
se-stg-31   se-stg-31-se-stg-31   2h
se-dev-31   se-dev-31-se-dev-31   2h

At this point the Alertmanager ConfigMaps for Prometheus instances are located on managed clusters: monitoring-prometheus-alertmanager should be automatically updated by the alerttargetcontroller.

To see the ConfigMap YAML for each managed cluster, run the following command on each managed cluster:

kubectl get cm monitoring-prometheus-alertmanager -n kube-system -o yaml

In the route: -> routes: section you should see the following:

      - receiver: cemwebhook
        - alertname
        - instance
        - severity
        continue: true
        group_wait: 10s
        group_interval: 10s
        repeat_interval: 1m

And in the receivers: section you should see:

    - name: cemwebhook
      - send_resolved: true
            insecure_skip_verify: true

Note, the CEM url: will be different in your environment.

The CEM Alert Target Controller adds a couple of sample alert definitions to the AlertRules CRD. This can be verified using by running the following command:

kubectl get alertrules
NAME                           ENABLED   AGE   CHART                     RELEASE      ERRORS
cem-alert-rules                true      2h

These alert rules can be customized based on your requirements. We recommend considering our best practice alert definitions for ICP platform.

Check the Prometheus Alertmanager logs to verify that there are no errors while sending the webhook notifications to CEM.

kubectl logs <alertmanager pod> -n kube-system

User management

CEM console access is managed through ICP Teams page in the ICP Console. To create a team with Administrator role, run the following steps:

  • On the MCM HUB Cluster, go to Manage -> Identity & Access.
  • Click on the Teams menu.
  • Create a Team and call it CEM.
  • Click the Users tab and assign the Administrator role to the users in the Team.
  • Finally, click the Resources tab and add a row of type Namespace with the namespace name for each managed cluster.

First login to the CEM console

Cloud Event Management console can be accessed from the Multicloud Manager console. Logon to MCM UI as one of the Team members (mentioned in the User Management section) and select Event Management.

You may be asked to authenticate again with the ICP user and you should see one or more subscriptions.

Example subscription cem-1 on the picture above is the name of the ICP Team authorized to manage a cluster namespace.

Click Launch and then on the Incidents tab. If some defined Prometheus alerts are active (you can verify it via Prometheus Alertmanager UI available from the ICP console Platform -> Alerting), you should see those incidents in the CEM UI:

Now click on one of the incidents to see the Prometheus alert details:

Click on the Generator URL link to open the Prometheus UI on the managed cluster and see the current result of the PromQL query that generated this alert:


IBM Cloud Event Management for IBM Multicloud Manager enables you to access Prometheus alert information for each of your managed clusters from a centralized location.

To learn more about using and operating Cloud Event Management, check out the Cloud Event Management documentation.