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Lab 3: Item inventory demonstration deployment

Duration: 20 minutes


In this lab, you will learn how to deploy the real-time solution by simply using this repository and a minimum set of commands. The approach is to present reusable structure you may want to use for your own future proof of concept development, so it will be easy to demonstrate your solution.

The following diagram illustrates the components, you will deploy in your student's namespace using this repository.

More context

A traditional solution may be organized with one git repository per application, and at least one GitOps repository to define the deployment artifacts. If you look at the demonstration you are running in this lab, the source code is in the public git account ibm-cloud-architecture with other repositories with following structure:


See Pre-requisites section in the main page.
MAC users can run all the commands in this lab from terminal window.
Windows users will have to run the commands from a WSL Command window. Open a CMD window and type 'bash' to enter the WSL prompt.


Each Student will have received a unique identifier and will modify the current settings in this folder with their student id. All the current kubernetes configurations are currently set for poe1.

We assume the following are pre-set in you OpenShift cluster, which is the same as CoC integration cluster:

  • Platform navigator is deployed in cp4i project.
  • Event Streams is installed under cp4i-eventstreams project.

  • Login to the OpenShift cluster assigned to you (poe or ashoka) using the login command from the OpenShift Console

    Then copy this line:

    Accept the insecure connection

    oc login --server=
    The server uses a certificate signed by an unknown authority.
    You can bypass the certificate check, but any data you send to the server could be intercepted by others.
    Use insecure connections? (y/n): y
  • Verify your oc cli works

    oc get nodes
  • Work under the lab3-4 folder of this repository.

Modify existing configuration

We will prepare the configuration for the following green components in figure below:

The blue components should have been deployed with the Cloud Pak for Integration deployment.

  1. The demonstration will run on its own namespace. The env/base folder includes the definition of the namespace, roles, role binding needed to deploy the demonstration. This is a classical way to isolate apps in kubernetes.

    Running the shell script, will modify all the yaml files used by the solution with your student id. As an example we will be student poe10 and the deployment will be done in poe10 namespace.

    • Mac User:

      export PREFIX=poe10
    • Windows user (in Linux shell)

      export PREFIX=poe10
      sudo dos2unix  
      sudo dos2unix argocd/
      [ The argocd/ will be executed in the next lab]

Folder structure

This lab3-4folder is a reduced version of what the Red Hat's Kubernetes Application Management tool is creating normally. If you want to see a full fledge GitOps version for this demonstration see the eda-rt-inventory-gitops repository.

Folder Intent
apps Defines deployment, config map, service and route for the 3 applications and kafka connector
env Defines the namespace for each deployment, and some service account
services Defines MQ broker instance, Kafka Connect cluster, and event streams topics
argocd Define the ArgoCD project and apps to monitor this git repo. It will be used for lab 4


The deployment will configure topics in event streams using a naming convention to avoid conflicts between students, deploy the three apps, deploy MQ broker and Kafka Connect cluster with the MQ source connector configured.

Event Gateway, schema registry, and Cloud Object Storage sink connector are not used in this lab

  1. Start the deployment

    make all-no-gitops
  2. Verify the solution is up and running

    oc project $PREFIX
    oc get pods
    oc get routes 
    oc get kafkatopic -n cp4i-eventstreams
    oc get kafkauser -n  cp4i-eventstreams

  3. Access to the MQ console (replace the namespace and base url)

    # Open this link in a browser. change poe to another server name if needed$PREFIX/$PREFIX-mq-ibm-mq/
  4. Verify the queue manager has the ITEMS queue

  5. Access to the simulator console

    Get the URL of the Store Simulator and open it in a browser. 
    oc get route store-simulator -o jsonpath='{.status.ingress[].host}'

    Go to the SIMULATOR tab. If you want to test with the MQ source connector, select IBMMQ backend, and starts the Controlled scenario to send predefined messages:

    Normally you should not see the messages in the ITEMS queue as they are immediatly processed by the Kafka Connector.

    You should get a set of predefined messages sent to MQ, and then to Kafka $PREFIX-items topic

    Go to the Event Streams console.

    If you select Kafka as backend, then the simulator sends directly the messages to Kafka $PREFIX-items topic.

  6. The two other options for the Store simulator is to send from 1 to 100 random messages (left choice in the controller view), or continuously send messages (start / stop control in the middle of the page).

  7. Access the Event Stream console to look at topic content:

# Open this link in a browser. change poe to the OCP cluster name. Login with you user-id using the Enterprise LDAP.

The items topic content the store transactions:

The item.inventory topic has the aggregates cross stores, as illustrates in figure below:

And the store.inventory includes events on current inventory per store:

Test the Full Setup

  1. From the EventStreams portal, go to Topics and open the items-inventory topic (USERID-item.inventory)
  2. Go to Messages.
  3. Open the first few messages and take note of the ItemID and CurrentStock. E.g.
  4. From the Store Simulator page -> Click on Simulator.
  5. Choose IBM MQ for BackEnd.
  6. Send one random message. Take note of the message sent. In particular, take note of Item number, Type (either SALE or RESTOCK) and quantity.
  7. Go to the EventStreams portal and check if the new message has arrived in USERID-items topic.
  8. From the EventStreams portal one new message should also be delivered to the USERID-item.inventory topic. Check the message. The quantity should have been increased (Type RESTOCK) or reduced (SALE) by the quantity number (sent via Store Simulator).
  9. You can also do a similar check in USERID-store.inventory topic.
Read more on the demonstration script

The demonstration instructions are in a separate note as this is a demonstration available in the public git and shareable with anyone.

Kafka connector configuration

The Kafka connect cluster is defined in the kafka-connect.yam file in the services/kconnect folder. The important part of this file is the Event Streams bootstrap server URL, the kafka version used, and the name of the topic used to persist states of the connector. Each student has its own topic names for offsets, config and status topics.

  version: 3.0.0
  replicas: 2
  bootstrapServers: es-demo-kafka-bootstrap.cp4i-eventstreams.svc:9093
  # ... 
  config: poe10-connect-cluster poe10-connect-cluster-offsets poe10-connect-cluster-configs poe10-connect-cluster-status 3 3 3

Recall that the kafka connect cluster runs connectors in parallel and use Kafka consumer and producer API to do the data transfer.

The image references a custom image we built to have the MQ source connector and some sink. The Dockerfile for this image is in this repository, you can start from it to add more connector.

To set the status of the kafka connect cluster runs the following command:

oc get kafkaconnect
# example of results
NAME                    DESIRED REPLICAS   READY
poe10-connect-cluster   2                  True
  • The MQ source connector is defined as an app, in the apps/mq-source folder. Below are the important parts to consider:
    mq.queue.manager: poe10MQ poe10-mq-ibm-mq.poe10.svc DEV.APP.SVRCONN
    mq.queue: ITEMS
    topic: poe10-items
    mq.connection.mode: client
    mq.message.body.jms: true
    mq.record.builder.key.header: JMSCorrelationID

We do not need to apply any logic on the value conversion. As the messages in MQ are json, we can just consider them as String. The mq.record.builder.key.header: JMSCorrelationID is very important to get the key from the MQ message header. This is a trick here to avoid having a kafks streams program to extract the key from the message and write to another topic, as it could be in real life. The store simulator uses the JMSCorrelationID to post the "StoreName" value as a a future key. The Kafka connector use this to write a kafka Producer Record with this key.

 public void sendMessage(Item item) {
    try {
      String msg = parser.toJson(item);
      TextMessage message = jmsContext.createTextMessage(msg);
      producer.send(destination, message);

If you want to see the status of the connectors

oc get kafkaconnectors
# example of results
NAME        CLUSTER                 CONNECTOR CLASS                                           MAX TASKS   READY
mq-source   poe10-connect-cluster   1           True
Read more on Kafka connector

Cleaning your OpenShift project

Run the following command to clean the demonstration deployment. You MUST clean the deployment if you will do next GitOps lab.

oc project $PREFIX
make clean

Upon cleaning, check if there are any pods or topics.


Message not sent to MQ

This could come from a connection issue between the simulator and MQ. Get the logs for the simulator pod:

oc get pod -l
oc logs <pod_id>

Some topics Not created.

  1. If the USERID-items topic is not created, try submitting some messages from the Store Simulator.
  2. If topics like USERID-item.invetory or USERID-store.inventory is not created, try restarting the following pods: store-simulator-*.
    Then, try sending some messages through the Store Simulator.

Running locally

Do this step ONLY if you do not have an openshift environment.
You will require Docker to complete this step.
During proof of concept development you can run Event Streams, MQ and your code on your own laptop with docker engine. We give you a docker compose file to do so. Here are the commands to run the same demonstration locally:

cd local
docker-compose up -d