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Mirror Maker 2

Active/Passive Mirroring


This demo presents how to leverage Mirror Maker 2 between two Kafka clusters running on OpenShift. It uses two IBM Event Streams instances on both sides and utilizes mirroring feature that ships as part of IBM Event Streams Operator API's.

  • Cluster 1 (Active): This will be our source cluster (Source). In this case it can be a Development environment where consumers and producers are connected.
  • Cluster 2 (Passive): This will be our target cluster (Target). In this case it can be a Staging environment where no consumers or producers are connected.

Upon failover, consumers will be connected to the newly promoted cluster (Cluster 2) which will become active.

Mirror Maker 2 is a continuous background mirroring process and can be run in its own namespace. However, for the purposes of this demo, it will be created within the destination namespace, in our case rt-inventory-stg and connect to the source Kafka cluser, in our case it is in rt-inventory-dev namespace.



  • We assume, you have access to one or two separate OpenShift clusters.
  • The OpenShift cluster(s) has/have IBM Event Streams Operator version 3.0.x installed and available for all namespaces on the cluster(s).


1- Creating Source (Origin) Kafka Cluster:

  • Using Web Console on the first OpenShift cluster, create a new project named rt-inventory-dev
  • Make sure that this project is selected and create a new EventStreams instance named rt-inventory-dev inside it.


This cluster represents the Development Environment (Active)

  • Once the EventStreams instance rt-inventory-dev is up and running, access its Admin UI to perform the below sub-tasks:

    • Create SCRAM credentials with username rt-inv-dev-user. This will create rt-inv-dev-user secret.
    • Take a note of the SCRAM username and password.
    • Take a note of the bootstrap Server address.
    • Generate TLS certificates. This will create rt-inventory-dev-cluster-ca-cert secret.
    • Download and save the PEM certificate. You could rename it to es-src-cert.pem.
    • Create Kafka topics items, items.inventory, and store.inventory which will be used to demonstrate replication from source to target.


The above two created secrets will need to be copied to the target cluster so Mirror Maker 2 can reference them to connect to the source cluster

2- Creating Target (Destination) Kafka Cluster:

  • Using Web Console on the first OpenShift cluster, create a new project named rt-inventory-stg
  • Make sure that this project is selected and create a new EventStreams instance named rt-inventory-stg inside it.


This cluster represents the Staging Environment (Passive)

  • Once the EventStreams instance rt-inventory-stg is up and running, access its Admin UI to perform the below sub-tasks:

    • Create SCRAM credentials with username rt-inv-stg-user. This will create rt-inv-stg-user secret.
    • Take a note of the SCRAM username and password.
    • Take a note of the bootstrap Server address.
    • Generate TLS certificates. This will create rt-inventory-stg-cluster-ca-cert secret.
    • Download and save the PEM certificate. You could rename it to es-tgt-cert.pem.


Mirror Maker 2 will reference the above two created secrets to connect to the target cluster

3- Creating MirrorMaker 2 instance:

  • Make sure that rt-inventory-stg project is selected.
  • Create the two sercets generated from Step 1 by copying their yaml configs from rt-inventory-dev project to preserve the names.
  • Using OpenShift Web Console (Administrator perspective), navigate to Operators -> Installed Operators.
  • On the Installed Operators page, click on IBM Event Sreams.
  • On the Avialable API's page, find Kafka Mirror Maker 2 then click Create instance.

MM2 Create

  • Select Configure via YAML view to use the yaml file provided in this demo.

MM2 Yaml

  • Change the bootstrapServers address (line 36) to be the address of your Source Kafka bootstrapServer (from Step 1).
  • Change the bootstrapServers address (line 53) to be the address of your Target Kafka bootstrapServer (from Step 2).
kind: KafkaMirrorMaker2
  name: mm2
  namespace: rt-inventory-stg  
  version: 3.0.1
  replicas: 1
  connectCluster: es-tgt
      connect.root.logger.level: INFO
    type: inline
          cloudpakId: c8b82d189e7545f0892db9ef2731b90d
          productVersion: 11.0.0
          productID: 2a79e49111f44ec3acd89608e56138f5
          cloudpakName: IBM Cloud Pak for Integration
          cloudpakVersion: 2022.1.1
          productChargedContainers: mm2-mirrormaker2
          productCloudpakRatio: '2:1'
          productName: IBM Event Streams for Non Production
          eventstreams.production.type: CloudPakForIntegrationNonProduction
          productMetric: VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_CORE
    - alias: es-src
          password: password
          secretName: rt-inv-dev-user
        type: scram-sha-512
        username: rt-inv-dev-user
        ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm: https      1 1 1
          - certificate: ca.crt
            secretName: rt-inventory-dev-cluster-ca-cert
    - alias: es-tgt
          password: password
          secretName: rt-inv-stg-user
        type: scram-sha-512
        username: rt-inv-stg-user
        ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm: https      3 3 3    
          - certificate: ca.crt
            secretName: rt-inventory-stg-cluster-ca-cert
    - sourceCluster: es-src
      targetCluster: es-tgt 
          # the replication factor that will be used for
          #  all topics created on the "target" Kafka cluster
          replication.factor: 3
          # don't try to copy permissions across from the "origin"
          #  cluster to the "target" cluster
          sync.topic.acls.enabled: "false"          
          replication.policy.separator: ""
          replication.policy.class: "io.strimzi.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy"
          offset-syncs.topic.replication.factor: 3
          refresh.topics.interval.seconds : 10
          checkpoints.topic.replication.factor: 3
          refresh.groups.interval.seconds: 5
          # migrates the consumer group offsets
          emit.checkpoints.enabled: true
          emit.checkpoints.interval.seconds: 5
          # ensures that consumer group offsets on the "target" cluster
          #  are correctly mapped to consumer groups on the "origin" cluster
          replication.policy.class: "io.strimzi.kafka.connect.mirror.IdentityReplicationPolicy"
          replication.policy.separator: ""          
      topicsPattern: "items, store.inventory, items.inventory"
      topicsExcludePattern: ".apicurio"
      groupsPattern: ".*" 
  • If the same namespaces and SCRAM usernames are used as indicated in the previous steps, no further changes are required.
  • Click Create to apply the YAML changes and create KafkaMirrorMaker2 instance.
  • In few seconds, check the status of KafkaMirrorMaker2 instance from Kafka Mirror Maker 2 Tab.
  • The status should be Condition: Ready.

MM2 Status

  • KafkaMirrorMaker2 instance created mm2 will deploy different resources that can be checked from its Resources Tab.
  • You might need to check the created Pod resource log for errors or warnings.

MM2 Status

  • Now, the created instance mm2 will start to mirror (replicate) the Kafka topics' events, and offsets from source to the target cluster.
  • Only Kafka topics specified in topicsPattern will be replicated and topics specified in topicsExcludePattern will be excluded.


  • Access the EventStreams instance rt-inventory-stg Admin UI to verify that the replication is working.
  • From the side menu, select Topics to see the list of Kafka topics created on our Target cluster (Staging Environment).

MM2 Status

  • You can see that items, items.inventory, and store.inventory Kafka topics were created and events are being replicated.
  • Kafka Topics named mirrormaker2-cluster-xxx are used internally by our KafkaMirrorMaker2 instance to keep track of configs, offsets, and replication status.
  • Click on items topic then visit the Messages Tab to see that the events are being replicated as they arrive to the Source cluster. The next section will demonstrate how to produce sample events to the Source cluster.

MM2 Status

Producing Events (Source)

This section will be used to verify that the replication of messages (Kafka events) is actually happening (live events feed is moving from Source to Target). We will use a simple python script (accompanied with a starter bash script) that connects to the Source cluster and sends a random json payloads to the items topic created in Step 1.

The producer script requires Python 3.x with confluent-kafka Kakfa library installed. To install the Kafka library, run:

pip install confluent-kafka

Perform the following steps to setup the producer sample application:

  1. On your local machine, create a new directory named producer.
  2. Download and save and files inside producer directory.
  3. Move the Source cluster PEM certificate file es-src-cert.pem to the same directory.
  4. Edit the script to set the environment variables of Source cluster connectivity configs.
    • Change the KAFKA_BROKERS variable to the Source cluster bootstrap address.
    • Change the KAFKA_PWD variable to be the password of rt-inv-dev-user SCRAM user.


export KAFKA_USER=rt-inv-dev-user
export KAFKA_CERT=es-src-cert.pem
export SOURCE_TOPIC=items

python $1
5. Now you can run the shell script and pass the number of events to be sent as an argument.

./ 10

Consuming Events (Target)

This section will simulate failover to Target (passive) cluster. MirrorMaker 2 uses checkpointConnector to automatically store consumer group offset checkpoints for consumer groups on the Source Kafka cluster. Each checkpoint maps the last committed offset for each consumer group in the Source cluster to the equivalent offset in the Target cluster.

These checkpoints will be used by our Kafka consumer script to start consuming from an offset on the Target cluster that is equivalent to the last committed offset on the Source cluster.

The same way we used to setup the Producer application, we need to perform the following steps to setup the Consumer application:

  1. On your local machine, create a new directory named consumer.
  2. Download and save and files inside consumer directory.
  3. Move the Target cluster PEM certificate file es-tgt-cert.pem to the same directory.
  4. Edit the script to set the environment variables of Target cluster connectivity configs.
    • Change the KAFKA_BROKERS variable to the Target cluster bootstrap address.
    • Change the KAFKA_PWD variable to be the password of rt-inv-stg-user SCRAM user.


export KAFKA_USER=rt-inv-stg-user
export KAFKA_CERT=es-tgt-cert.pem
export SOURCE_TOPIC=items

python $1
5. Now you can run the shell script and pass the number of events to be consumed as an argument.

./ 10
6. You should see the mirrored messages now in items replicated topic in our Target Kafka cluster.


To check the current and offset lag, you can use Event Streams UI on Target cluster.

MM2 Consumer

We can see that the consumer application has started to read from the last committed offset.

This concludes our Kafka Mirror Maker 2 Active/Passive mode replication demo.