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Installing BAI

Install Kafka

  • Add the Helm repository:
helm repo add incubator
  • Create the namespace:
oc new-project kafka
oc project kafka
## Grant the tiller server edit access to current project
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit "system:serviceaccount:tiller:tiller"
  • Install the Helm chart:
helm install incubator/kafka --name my-kafka --namespace kafka -f values.yaml
  • Set-up the Kafka bootstrap server: If access is from inside the OpenShift cluster environment, then the bootstrap server is my-kafka-headless.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9092. If access is from external system, we need to:

1- Retrieve the OpenShift ingress address with the following command: Kafka ingress

2- Use this ingress address to set the bootstrap server to {rhos-ingress-ip}:31090,{rhos-ingress-ip}:31091,{rhos-ingress-ip}:31092.

3- Add the line {rhos-ingress-ip} kafka.cluster.local to the /etc/hosts file.

Install BAI

  • Create PVs on the NFS server:
mkdir -p /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-pv
sudo chown 9999:9999 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-pv
sudo chmod 770 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-pv

mkdir -p /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-0
mkdir -p /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-1
mkdir -p /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-2
mkdir -p /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-3
sudo chown 1000:1000 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-0
sudo chown 1000:1000 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-1
sudo chown 1000:1000 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-2
sudo chown 1000:1000 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-3
sudo chmod 770 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-0
sudo chmod 770 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-1
sudo chmod 770 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-2
sudo chmod 770 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/ibm-bai-ek-pv-3

mkdir /data/persistentvolumes/bai/es-snapshots-pv
sudo chown 1000:1000 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/es-snapshots-pv
sudo chmod 770 /data/persistentvolumes/bai/es-snapshots-pv
  • Create namespace baiproject:
oc new-project baiproject
oc project baiproject
## Grant the tiller server edit access to current project
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit "system:serviceaccount:tiller:tiller"
  • Update SCC:
oc create serviceaccount bai-prod-release-bai-psp-sa
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user ibm-privileged-scc -z bai-prod-release-bai-psp-sa
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user ibm-anyuid-scc -z bai-prod-release-bai-psp-sa
  • Login to Docker and push BAI images:
docker login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t) docker-registry.default.svc:5000
chmod +x
./ -p /data/downloads/icp4a/ICP4A19.0.1-bai.tgz -r docker-registry.default.svc:5000/baiproject
  • Create PV:
oc apply -f pv.yaml
  • Download the Helm chart and install it:
helm install ibm-business-automation-insights-3.1.0.tgz --name bai-prod-release --namespace baiproject -f values.yaml
  • Expose the Kibana service
oc apply -f route.yaml