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4. Prometheus and Grafana configuration

Deploy a local Prometheus and Grafana stack with Docker Compose

During this lab we will run the Prometheus and Grafana in Docker Compose. Configuration for this lab is based on In the lab VM the Prometheus docker compose project was cloned to /root/prometheus.

1). Add the scraping job definition to the Prometheus configuration file /root/prometheus/prometheus/prometheus.yml by adding (uncommenting in the lab VM) the following code within scrape_config section:

  - job_name: 'btm-nodejs'
    scrape_interval: 20s
    - targets: ['']
        service: 'btm-nodejs'
        group: 'production'

replace with your own host machine's IP. In the Skytap lab VM, the IP address should be

2). Start Prometheus & Grafana stack:

cd /root/prometheus
docker-compose up -d

Expected output:

Creating network "prometheus_back-tier" with the default driver
Creating network "prometheus_front-tier" with the default driver
Creating prometheus_cadvisor_1      ... done
Creating prometheus_alertmanager_1  ... done
Creating prometheus_node-exporter_1 ... done
Creating prometheus_prometheus_1    ... done
Creating prometheus_grafana_1       ... done

Verify that Prometheus server was started via: http://localhost:9090 Check the status of scraping targets in Prometheus UI -> Status -> Targets

Run example PromQL queries

Generate some application load before running the queries:

cd ~/b2m-nodejs/src/

Run the following example PromQL queries using the Prometheus UI.


Error rate

Range[0,1]: number of 5xx requests / total number of requests

sum(increase(http_request_duration_ms_count{code=~"^5..$"}[1m])) /  sum(increase(http_request_duration_ms_count[1m]))

Expected value ~0.2 because our application should return 500 for about 20% of transactions.

Request Per Minute

sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_count[1m])) by (service, route, method, code)  * 60

Check the graph.

Response Time


Apdex score approximation: 100ms target and 300ms tolerated response time

(sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_bucket{le="100"}[1m])) by (service) + sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_bucket{le="300"}[1m])) by (service)
) / 2 / sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_count[1m])) by (service)

Note that we divide the sum of both buckets. The reason is that the histogram buckets are cumulative. The le="100" bucket is also contained in the le="300" bucket; dividing it by 2 corrects for that. - Prometheus docs

95th Response Time

histogram_quantile(0.95, sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_bucket[1m])) by (le, service, route, method))

Median Response Time

histogram_quantile(0.5, sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_bucket[1m])) by (le, service, route, method))

Average Response Time

avg(rate(http_request_duration_ms_sum[1m]) / rate(http_request_duration_ms_count[1m])) by (service, route, method, code)

Prometheus - Data

Memory Usage

Average Memory Usage

In Megabytes.

avg(nodejs_external_memory_bytes / 1024 ) by (service)

Configure Prometheus alert

Alerting rules allows to define alert conditions based on Prometheus expression language expressions and to send notifications about firing alerts to an external service. In this lab we will configure one alerting rule for median response time higher than 100ms.

Lab instruction:

Add the following alert rule to the alert.rules file. In the lab VM it is located in /root/prometheus/prometheus/alert.rules

  - alert: APIHighMedianResponseTime
    expr: histogram_quantile(0.5, sum by(le, service, route, method) (rate(http_request_duration_ms_bucket[1m])))
      > 30
    for: 1m
      description: '{{ $labels.service }}, {{ $labels.method }} {{ $labels.route }}
        has a median response time above 100ms (current value: {{ $value }}ms)'
      summary: High median response time on {{ $labels.service }} and {{ $labels.method
        }} {{ $labels.route }}

Restart the Prometheus stack:

cd ~/prometheus
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

Alerts can be listed via Prometheus UI: http://localhost:9090/alerts

States of active alerts:

  • pending:

Prometheus - Alert Pending

  • firing:

Prometheus - Alert Firing

Set the Prometheus datasource in Grafana

Logon to Grafana via http://localhost:3000 - user: admin - password: foobar

Verify the prometheus datasource configuration in Grafana. If it was not already configured, create a Grafana datasource with these settings:

  • name: Prometheus
  • type: prometheus
  • url: http://localhost:9090
  • access: browser

Configure dashboard

Grafana Dashboard to import: ~/b2m-nodejs/src/btm-nodejs-grafana.json

Monitoring dashboard was created according to the RED Method principles:

  • Rate (Thoughput and Checkouts panels)
  • Errors (Error rate panel)
  • Duration (95th Response Time and Median Response Time panels)

Grafana - Throughput

Review the configuration of each dashboard panel. Check the annotation settings.

Define the Apdex score chart using the following query:

(sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_bucket{le="100"}[1m])) by (service) + sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_bucket{le="300"}[1m])) by (service)
) / 2 / sum(rate(http_request_duration_ms_count[1m])) by (service)

You can add it to the existing dashboard:

  • Click on the icon Add panel and select Graph panel type.
  • Click on the panel title and select edit.
  • Select Prometheus datasource in the Metrics tab of the panel query editor
  • Copy PromQL to the free form field
  • Verify the results on the panel preview
  • Explore other Graph panel options

Every time you need to generate an application traffic, use provided script ~/b2m-nodejs/src/