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6. Deploy to RedHat OpenShift 4.2

Deploy an instrumented application

Use the following command and provided yaml file, to deploy sample Node.js microservice instrumented with Prometheus client library.

oc create -f b2m-nodejs-ocp.yaml

Create route to expose this application externally:

oc create route edge  --service=b2m-nodejs -n default

Collect the app URL:

$ oc get routes -n default
NAME         HOST/PORT                                       PATH   SERVICES     PORT    TERMINATION   WILDCARD
b2m-nodejs          b2m-nodejs   <all>   edge          None

and make sure it works:

$ curl -k


Verify that it properly exposes metrics in Prometheus format:

$ curl -k

# HELP process_cpu_user_seconds_total Total user CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_user_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_user_seconds_total 0.23436700000000005 1573764470969

# HELP process_cpu_system_seconds_total Total system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_system_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_system_seconds_total 0.069524 1573764470969

# HELP process_cpu_seconds_total Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
# TYPE process_cpu_seconds_total counter
process_cpu_seconds_total 0.3038910000000002 1573764470969

Deploy Prometheus monitoring stack for applications.

1) Create a new project for the Prometheus monitoring stack for applications.

2) Select Operators -> Operator Hub and select Prometheus Operator. Click Install.

3) In the Create Operator Subscription window click Subscribe.

4) Wait until Prometheus Operator is deployed and click Prometheus Operator link.

5) Select Prometheus tab and click Create Prometheus button.

6) Modify default YAML template for Prometheus. I added serviceMonitorSelector definition which will instruct defined Prometheus instance to match ServiceMonitors with label key=btm-metrics. I also changed the Prometheus instance name to app-monitor.

kind: Prometheus
    name: app-monitor
    prometheus: k8s
  namespace: monitoring
  replicas: 1
  serviceAccountName: prometheus-k8s
  securityContext: {}
      - key: btm-metrics
        operator: Exists
  ruleSelector: {}
      - namespace: openshift-monitoring
        name: alertmanager-main
        port: web

Click Create button.

7) Select Service Monitor tab and click Create Service Monitor.

8) Modify default YAML template for ServiceMonitor. I added namespaceSelector definition to limit the scope to naespace default where my app has been deployed and modified selector that to look for services with label name=b2m-nodejs. I also changed the Service monitor name to app-monitor.

kind: ServiceMonitor
    btm-metrics: b2m-nodejs
  name: app-monitor
  namespace: monitoring
    - interval: 30s
      port: web
      - default
      name: b2m-nodejs

9) Grant view cluster role to the Service Account created by the operator and used by Prometheus.

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:monitoring:prometheus-k8s

or, if you want to limit it to the application namespace, add view role only to the app namespace:

oc adm policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:monitoring:prometheus-k8s -n default

10) Expose app monitoring Prometheus route:

oc expose svc/prometheus-operated -n monitoring

11) Collect the app monitoring Prometheus URL:

$ oc get routes -n monitoring
NAME                  HOST/PORT                                                   PATH   SERVICES              PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
prometheus-operated          prometheus-operated   web                  None

12) Verify that app monitoring Prometheus can scrape b2m-nodejs app. Access the Prometheus URL via browser and select Status -> Targets.

13) Verify that instrumented metrics are collected:

Deploy Grafana Operator

1) Deploy the Grafana Operator from OperatorHub using the same steps as for Prometheus Operator. Now you should see it in Operators -> Installed Operators.

2) Click on the Grafana Operator link, select Grafana tab and click Create Grafana.

3) Modify the name of the Grafana instance to something meaningful. I named it app-monitoring-grafana. Click Create button. Modify also the admin user name and password.

4) Return to the Grafana Operator details, select Grafana Data Source and click Create Grafana Data Source button. Rename the name: to something meaningful (I named it app-monitoring-grafana-datasource) and modify spec.datasources.url to your app monitoring prometheus instance. In my case it was http://prometheus-operated:9090.

The prometheus hostname is the same as the app monitoring prometheus service name. You can find it in Networking->Services (filtered by the project where app monitoring prometheus has been deployed).

5) Make the route for Grafana has been created in Networking->Routes (project monitoring). If it is not listed, create it with command:

oc create route edge  --service=grafana-service -n monitoring

Access the Grafana console URL and logon to Grafana. Verify the Prometheus datasource has been created and can connect to app monitoring Prometheus.

Create sample monitoring dashboard and copy dashboard JSON definition or use the one provided in this repository: app-monitoring-dashboard.json.

6) Return to the Grafana Operator details in OpenShift console, select Grafana Dashboard and click Create Grafana Dashboard button. Rename the to something meaningful.

and copy dashboard JSON definition to spec.json. You can also use provided example Grafana Dashboard yaml provided with this repo: grafanadashboard-app-monitoring-dashboard.json.

7) Verify that Grafana dashboard has been provisioned:

Deploy Alertmanager (optional)

Application monitoring Prometheus Operator can fire alerts to existing/default Alertmanager instance located in openshift-monitoring. If you want to use it, the only thing you need to configure are alerting rules for your application, because Prometheus resource has been already preconfigured to send to platform monitoring Alertmanager (as you can see in the Prometheus resource YAML):

      - name: alertmanager-main
        namespace: openshift-monitoring
        port: web

You can also configure separate Alertmanager cluster using app monitoring Prometheus Operator.

The Prometheus Operator introduces an Alertmanager resource, which allows users to declaratively describe an Alertmanager cluster. To successfully deploy an Alertmanager cluster, it is important to understand the contract between Prometheus and Alertmanager.

The Alertmanager may be used to:

  • Deduplicate alerts fired by Prometheus
  • Silence alerts
  • Route and send grouped notifications via providers (PagerDuty, OpsGenie, Slack, Netcool Message Bus Probe, etc.)

Prometheus' configuration also includes "rule files", which contain the alerting rules. When an alerting rule triggers, it fires that alert against all Alertmanager instances, on every rule evaluation interval. The Alertmanager instances communicate to each other which notifications have already been sent out.

In OpenShift console go to Installed Operators, click on Prometheus Operator instance, scroll tabs to Alertmanager tab. Click Create Alertmanager button.

Specify the desired number of replicas and click Create button.

Now you can list the resources of Alertmanager and you should see Alertmanager pods in Pending state. This is because Alertmanager can't run wthout a configuration file.

The Alertmanager instances will not be able to start up, unless a valid configuration is given. The following example configuration sends notifications against a non-existent webhook, allowing the Alertmanager to start up, without issuing any notifications. For more information on configuring Alertmanager, see the Prometheus Alerting Configuration document.

  resolve_timeout: 5m
  group_by: ['job']
  group_wait: 30s
  group_interval: 5m
  repeat_interval: 12h
  receiver: 'webhook'
- name: 'webhook'
  - url: 'http://alertmanagerwh:30500/'

Save the above Alertmanager config in a file called alertmanager.yaml and create a secret from it using oc.

oc create secret generic alertmanager-alertmanager-main --from-file=alertmanager.yaml

Alertmanager pods should change the status to Running.

The service alertmanager-operated has been created automatically and if you want to externally expose Alertmanaget UI, create the route using the followng command:

$ oc create route edge  --service=alertmanager-operated -n monitoring

Collect the Alertmanager URL:

 oc get routes alertmanager-operated
NAME                    HOST/PORT                                                     PATH   SERVICES                PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
alertmanager-operated          alertmanager-operated   web    edge          None

and verify using web browser:

This Alertmanager cluster is now fully functional and highly available, but no alerts are fired against it. Configure Prometheus resource to fire alerts to our Alertmanager cluster.

Edit Prometheus resource spec.alerting section:

      - name: alertmanager-operated
        namespace: monitoring
        port: web

and click Save.

Configure Alerting Rules

Alerting Rules for application monitoring can be created from the Operator Details view of our Prometheus Operator instance. Click on the Prometheus Rule tab and then on Create Prometheus Rule button.

Specify alert rule definition in the YAML file. You can use provided ExampleAlert.yaml as an example.

After short time verify that your alert(s) have been activated using Prometheus UI: